Thinking About Selling Your Practice?

Dentistry has been both your professional journey and an important piece of your personal one. However, one chapter is closing and another preparing to open and now it’s time to think about your future beyond your vocation. Retirement is a big transition for most of us, and there is much to consider along the way. The path to a successful retirement is filled with difficult choices, and sometimes you may need help navigating them.

That’s where we step in. We recognize that a great retirement is the goal at the end of a long and fruitful career, and we’re here to help you achieve it. Our experts and specialists here at Dental Services Optimization have the knowledge and experience to illuminate the blind spots on your path to retirement success, no matter what your goals or vision.

We approach your transition planning with two things firmly in mind. The first is our core value that each client is unique, with their own set of goals and aims, and should be treated like family throughout the process. The second is that planning for transition starts long before you’re ready to take the step to retirement. Just as we manage every stage of our clients’ careers with care and dedication, we’ll apply the same scrupulousness to your retirement.

Your transition will involve a number of steps, comprising a variety of different areas of expertise. Transitioning your business will involve an understanding of what your practice is worth, who the right person to take over is, and the best way to arrange the sale. We’ll work with you to maximize the value of your practice, ensuring a beneficial transition to new ownership. On a personal level, we’ll develop an understanding of your personal goals, your goals for your family, and what you want both your retirement and your legacy to be.

With the right transition strategy in place, we’ll work with you every step of the way in executing the plan. A key piece of transition is optimizing your tax payments in order to leave you in the best possible situation when all is said and done. Our expert team will bring their collective skills to bear to illuminate the blind spots of taxation and transition, giving you the peace of mind you need as you move through the complicated steps ahead.

The next step of your journey should be the most rewarding yet, the capstone to everything you’ve achieved so far. With the right planning and proper guidance, your vision can become reality. We will be there for you, offering peace of mind for dentists–at any stage of their career.

Preparing for Transition

  • Know the real value of your practice
  • Analyze your financial condition
  • Wealth management coordination
  • Determine your family index number
  • Establish goals and timelines
  • Maximize practice value
  • Minimize taxes of sale
  • Choosing the right associate/partner
  • Assemble the transition team
  • Which transition strategy is right for you