Category: Dental Marketing

dental marketing

Creating an effective modern marketing strategy, one that utilizes an array of digital platforms as well as traditional methods, can be daunting. Before you dive into specific marketing strategies for your dental clinic, it is essential that you develop a detailed dental marketing plan. Whereas strategy is action-oriented, planning is future-oriented….


Currently, there are more than 201,117 dentists working in the dental industry. If you’re looking to improve your clientele, the only way to do this is by implementing the proper dental marketing strategy. We understand you’ve done the research and still find yourself missing some of the most crucial dental…

digital marketing

For better or worse over the last 20 years we’ve moved into a world dominated by digital media, online communications, and the profusion of mobile devices. For most Americans, these are constant companions during an average day and their primary means of receiving information, staying in touch with friends and…


Social media is a vital tool for patient communication and outreach these days, with dental practices of all sizes making full use of a number of platforms. There are good reasons for this; social media offers an easy, low-cost approach to marketing and outreach. However, there are some pitfalls associated…

dentist google reviews

We live in a Google-driven world. This is no secret to most consumers and most business owners; the only question is how you best manage your Google presence and your digital footprint. For dentists and oral health care providers, a key component in this process is managing Google reviews. They…